
Program Coordinator for the Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of Biology
Buhl - 226B



人类和非人类灵长类动物上肢的进化, 功能解剖学, 生物力学, 旧石器时代工具的生产和使用


我出生在密歇根州的安娜堡,并在那里度过了高中. I moved to Grinnell, IA to attend Grinnell College where I studied Anthropology and 考古. In 2005 I joined the Hominid Paleobiology Doctoral Program in 乔治华盛顿大学’s 原始人古生物学高级研究中心, 在华盛顿, DC. 我于2007年获得人类学硕士学位, 2009年获得原始人古生物学硕士学位, 并于2011年获得了同一学科的博士学位. My dissertation and research as a NSF and L’Oreal USA for Women in Science postdoctoral fellow focused on human 功能解剖学, the influence of biomechanical regiments on the evolution of human upper limb anatomy, 以及制作和使用旧石器时代工具的生物力学. I am very excited about beginning a new phase of research with a group of international collaborators, 解剖研究, 功能解剖学, 以及(主要是使用工具的)非人类灵长类动物的生物力学.

  • 2014-2019年欧洲研究理事会启动资助(336301), 人类手的进化:抓树和工具,”), (PI, Tracy Kivell; Collaborator: EM Williams-Hatala) Amount: €1,622,053
  • 2012-2013 L’Oreal USA Fellowship for Women in Science (PI, EM Williams) Amount: $60,000
  • 2011-2013国家科学基金, 少数民族博士后研究奖学金, 社会, 行为与经济科学(1103470), “早期人类的决策过程和原材料质量,” (PI, EM Williams; Sponsoring scientist, 布莱恩克. 里士满)金额:12万美元
  • 2010-11获Bouchet博士论文写作奖学金, 乔治华盛顿大学爱德华A. Bouchet毕业生荣誉协会
  • 2009-11国家科学基金, 考古, (0903652), “Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: Influences of materials properties and 生物力学 on stone tool production,” (PI, Dr. Alison S Brooks; Co-PI, EM Williams)金额:1美元4,984
  • 2009-10温纳-格伦基金会. 7995) “Influences of materials properties and 生物力学 on stone tool production,” (PI, (EM Williams)金额:10美元,500
  • 2008-2009 Selective Excellence Endowment Fellowship in Hominid Paleobiology, 原始人古生物学高级研究中心, 乔治华盛顿大学
  • 2007年Sigma Xi研究资助, Sigma Xi, 乔治华盛顿大学分会, “Oldowan石器生产过程中的手腕活动,” (PI, (EM Williams)金额:500美元
  • 2005刘易斯N. coflow研究奖, 人类学系, 乔治华盛顿大学, “Manual manipulation in Middle Stone Age and Upper Paleolithic tool production,” (PI, EM Williams)金额:1美元,500
  • 2019 Williams-Hatala, EM; Hatala, KG; Collyer, M; Megherhi, S; Fiske, K; Ciroli, O; Rabey, KN. “A photogrametric method for quantifying entheseal shape and rugosity.美国体质人类学家协会,克利夫兰,俄亥俄州.
  • 2019 Rabey, KN; Hatala, KG; Williams-Hatala, EM. “Can muscle activity be predicted from surface and internal entheseal morphology?美国体质人类学家协会,克利夫兰,俄亥俄州.
  • 2017 Hatala, KG; Williams-Hatala, EM; Scibilia, T; Hiles, S; Rabey, KN. “Problems in predicting anatomy and inferring behavior from the gross morphology of the flexor pollicis longus insertion site,美国体质人类学家协会, 新奥尔良, LA
  • 2017 Williams-Hatala, EM; Hatala, KG; Gordon, M; Kasper, M; Kivell, TL. “The 生物力学 of stone tool behaviors and implications for the evolution of the human hand,美国体质人类学家协会
  • 2017 Rabey, KN; Moskal, R; Hatala, KG; Williams-Hatala, EM. “The relationship between the soft pink things and the hard white things,美国体质人类学家协会
  • 2016 Dunmore, CJ; Key, AJM; Williams-Hatala, EM; Kivell, TL. “Is there a relationship between flake form and manual pressure during stone tool production? 实验测试.欧洲人类进化研究学会,马德里,西班牙.
  • 2016 Karas, S; Rabey, KN; McIntyre, H; Babb, B and Williams-Hatala, EM. 翼侧韧带的尸体鉴定.IFOMPT,格拉斯哥,爱尔兰.
  • 2016 Williams-Hatala, EM; Key, A; Stephens, NB; Kivell, T. “Predictions for an osteological signature of stone tool behaviors in hard tissue anatomy.美国体质人类学家协会,亚特兰大,乔治亚州.
  • 2016 Rabey, KN; Hiles, S; Williams-Hatala, EM. “Relationship between macroscopic morphology of thenar and hypothenar entheses and their microstructural design in modern humans.美国体质人类学家协会,亚特兰大,乔治亚州.
  • 2015 Williams-Hatala, EM; Hiles, S; Hatala, KG; Rabey, KN. “Relationships between muscle architectural anatomy and the morphology of entheses in the thenar and hypothenar regions of modern humans.美国体质人类学家协会,St. 路易斯,莫.
  • 2015 Villmoare, BA; Grabowski, MW; Roach, NT; Hatala, KG; Williams-Hatala, EM. “面对现实:食物vs拳头. A test of the Carrier and Morgan adaptive model for each hominin cranial structure.美国体质人类学家协会,St. 路易斯,莫.
  • 2015 Roach, NT; Williams-Hatala, EM; Rainbow, MJ; Richmond, BG. 石器生产的生物力学和功能解剖学.美国体质人类学家协会,St. 路易斯,莫. 美国体质人类学家协会. 路易斯,莫.
  • 2014威廉姆斯,EM和里士满,BG. “Did the 生物力学 of making and using Paleolithic stone tools influence the origin of the derived human thumb?ESM,剑桥,马萨诸塞州.
  • 2014 Roach, NT; Williams, EM; Richmond, BG. “Force production during stone tool knapping,” Paleoanthropology Society, 阿尔伯塔省, CA.
  • 2014 Williams, EM; Chai, H.; Richmond, BG. “The effects of stone toughness on manual force distribution during stone tool production,美国体质人类学家协会, 阿尔伯塔省, CA.
  • 2013威廉姆斯,EM. “The selective impact of early hominid stone tool behaviors on the modern human hand and wrist.” E. F. 肖·威尔吉斯手外科讲师, 继续医学教育, MedStar Union纪念医院, 柯蒂斯国家手中心, 巴尔的摩, MD.
  • 2013威廉姆斯,EM; Gordon, AD; VR, Powell; Brooks, AS; Richmond, BG. “Acheulean and Oldowan tool manufacture upper limb strategies,” Paleoanthropology Society, 2013
  • 2012威廉姆斯,EM和里士满,BG. “石器使用过程中的手动压力分布,《足球波胆平台》, [147]增补54:3 3.
  • 2011里士满,BG和威廉姆斯,EM. “The evolution of the upper limb after Australopithecus: Integrating paleontology and experimental functional morphology.” Canadian Association for Physical Anthropologists, Montreal, Quebec.
  • 2011 Williams, EM; Gordon, AD; Richmond, BG.
  • 2010 Williams, EM; Richmond, BG. “Oldowan石器生产过程中的手压.《足球波胆平台》,增刊50:243
  • 2010 Zipkin, AM; Williams, EM; Brooks, AS; Richmond, BG. 挖掘棒的使用和手的生物力学.古人类学2010:A39.
  • 2009 Williams, EM; Gordon, AD; Richmond, BG. “Wrist and upper limb kinematics of amateur knappers during stone tool production.《足球波胆平台》,增刊48:272.
  • 2008 Williams, EMS; Gordon, AD; Richmond, BG. “石器生产过程中的上肢运动.古人类学2008:A35.
  • 2007 Williams, EM. “一种精确而精确的方法来量化岩石边缘角度.美国考古学家协会,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州.